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4.1. Staking

Staking PPOG token is a feature tailored to cater to savvy web3 users who wish to partake in the football prediction game without exposing their funds to undue risk. By staking PPOG tokens, users can engage in the game with confidence, leveraging their tokens to unlock various benefits and privileges. The staking mechanism operates based on predefined features and conditions, including staking duration, which dictates the duration for which users commit their tokens. Detailed information regarding the features and conditions of staking, categorized by staking duration, is elucidated in the following table for user convenience and clarity. The primary benefits of staking PPOG tokens include users receiving a portion of their staked amount converted into a dollar balance within their app wallet, which they can subsequently utilize within the game. Additionally, users are entitled to a monthly interest rate on their staked tokens, enhancing their earning potential and incentivizing long-term engagement with the platform.

Table 1: PPOG staking conditions

Staking DurationIn-App charged balanceInterest RateWithdraw Amount
3 months50% of staking amount5% monthly100% of staking amount + monthly interest
6 months70% of staking amount6% monthly100% of staking amount + monthly interest
12 months100% of staking amount7% monthly100% of staking amount + monthly interest

Example 1: When staking 10,000 PPOG tokens for 3 months, with assumption that 1PPOG = $0.012 at that time, then the user will be charged $60 from their Dollar Balance in the app. At the end of the 3-month staking period, the user can withdraw his PPOG tokens. At the end of each month, the user should claim his monthly interest.

Example 2: When staking 10,000 PPOG tokens for 6 months, with assumption that 1 PPOG = $0.012 at that time, then the user will be charged $84 from their Dollar Balance in the app. At the end of the 6-month staking period, the user can withdraw his PPOG tokens. At the end of each month, the user should claim his monthly interest.

Example 3: When staking 10,000 PPOG tokens for 1 year, with assumption that 1 PPOG = $0.012 at that time, then the user will be charged $120 from their Dollar Balance in the app. At the end of the 12-month staking period, the user can withdraw his PPOG tokens. At the end of each month, the user should claim his monthly interest.

Staking is a limited opportunity for early adopters, so we’ve created specific buckets with a set capacity for each staking duration and amount. These buckets support the staking pool, which is designed to cover monthly interest payouts to stakers. The table below details the capacity limits and staking amounts for each bucket.

Please note that once a bucket reaches its capacity, additional users will not be able to stake in that bucket. This approach ensures a balanced distribution of staking opportunities while maintaining the sustainability of the staking pool.

Table 2: Stacking buckets

Monthly InterestLocking period (months)Capacity (# of users)PPOG stake amount