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4.3. Treasury

The Treasury is a smart contract designed to store all revenue generated from in-app purchases across various gameplay elements within the game. To maintain transparency, the Treasury operates via a transparent smart contract, allowing users to verify the flow of funds. Every three months, the income is distributed according to the following schedule:

  • First Year: Every three months, 90% of the income in tokens will be burned, reducing the total token supply, and 10% will be retained by the company.

  • Second Year: Every three months, 50% of the income in tokens will be burned, 20% will be injected into the reward pool, and 30% will be allocated to the company.

  • Third Year: Every three months, 25% of the income in tokens will be burned, 20% will be allocated to the reward pool, and 55% will be for the company.

  • After the Third Year: Every three months, 20% of the income will be added to the reward pool, and the remaining 80% will be retained by the company.

This structure not only supports tokenomics by maintaining a controlled token supply but also ensures that the reward pool remains adequately funded. Additionally, it provides a sustainable revenue stream for the company to support ongoing development and operations. The transparent nature of the Treasury smart contract allows users to see these distributions, reinforcing trust and accountability within the community.